It's up to you.
It's up to you.
Translating vampires from outer space, is rather tiring.
Translating vampires from outer space, is rather tiring.
Be my guest.
Be my guest.
Honeypots are a way to put teeth in a no-abuse policy.
Honeypots are a way to put teeth in a no-abuse policy.
Pike's notebooks had been confiscated by the Spanish but were returned to the U.S.
Pike's notebooks had been confiscated by the Spanish but were returned to the U.S.
The full verse has 3 or 4 stanzas.
The full verse has 3 or 4 stanzas.
then Muse, be mute!
then Muse, be mute!
I noticed that too, Dennis.
I noticed that too, Dennis.
Performed invocation.
Performed invocation.
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