The wonderful
webGobbler gallery

The beautiful trashbin

Welcome to the webGobbler gallery.
The following pictures have not been created by an artist, but by a program: webGobbler.
webGobbler wanders the web, downloads random images and mixes them. Enjoy the chaos of the internet.

webGobbler is free (as in speech). You can download it right now and start creating your own images.
webGobbler is opensource, which means you can even modify the webGobbler program itself if you want.
The webGobbler program, its source code and technical details are available on the project page.

Download webGobbler

Click on a thumbnail below for the full size 1280x1024 picture. Use the F11 key (on most browsers) to enjoy it in fullscreen.
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Below, a 5000x5000 image.
Clic for the full view (5.6 Mb JPEG) or the zoomable Flash version (recommended).
A 5000x500 picture

Download webGobbler

You can download webGobbler directly from

Windows - For Windows 95-98-ME-NT-2000-XP-2003:
Download webGobbler
version 1.2.6  (3.9 Mb)

Linux MacOS X - For Linux, MacOSX and other operating systems:
Download webGobbler
version 1.2.6  (169 kb)
(Source code: Requires Python and the Python Imaging Library (PIL))

« webGobbler is a unique program »
« Think there's too much going on all the time on the web? You haven't seen anything yet. The webGobbler takes different pages and mashes them up to form new images. »
« webGobbler is brilliant - the collages are so nice, and the images even blur smoothly together, like it’s been carefully crafted in Photoshop, which of course it hasn’t. »
-- Dave Miller
« The images are abstract and similar to each other, but each is compelling in its own way »
-- MiamiHerald
« Recipe for Web art:  Take the thousands of fresh images posted on the Internet.  Blend well.  Make a high resolution collage. That's just what Sébastien Sauvage has done with his fascinating WebGobbler program. Check out the results. The images are rich in texture and detail and give you a time-compressed sense of global voyerism, as if you're looking at freeze-frames of a thousand lives at once. »
« Open your mind and show us how good you are when the inspiration is with you.[...] It is very easy-to-use and it is housed in an intuitive interface. »
« webGobbler is a very fine peice of code which produces beautiful graphics. »
-- joosypigeon
« This is a gem of a program, despite its unprepossessing name. [...] In default configuration, it will create unique works of art. They are all recognisable as the work of webGobbler, but even so it is something special to witness the piece being constructed. [...] The best thing to do with webGobbler is to let it get on with its work in peace. Set it running and then wander off and do something else. Have dinner. Sleep. Go out. When you return, you’ll have another original artwork waiting to be viewed. »
-- Laurence Timms
« Maybe you want to change your desktop background, make a cool CD cover, or print out some artwork for your wall or cubicle. Maybe you just want to see some cool random art. WebGobbler is a unique piece of software that can satisfy all of the above scenarios and maybe even some others. »
« On apprécie toujours les initiatives originales qui utilisent des technologies libres pour créer un « Objet Logiciel Non Identifié » qui n'a d'autre but que de créer quelque chose de beau. [...]  WebGobbler, lui, transforme votre PC en artiste contemporain, récupérant des images sur le web et les retouchant pour créer des collages abstraits du plus bel effet. [...] une expérience inclassable et originale »

Thank you for the great feedback I received everywhere...

Links to other computer-generated art projects

Each individual image used to create these pictures are property of their respective owner.